What can you do for fun on rainy days?
Paper boats and puddles and wet clothes muddles…
Catch a cloud and hitch a ride of discovery this monsoon.
What are rainy day activities for kids?
Jump into puddles.
Don’t be afraid to let that kid in you out for a splash of wet fun!
Craft something
Make a boat, set it afloat. Simple crafts can be fun when the sun is hiding.
Get creative. Paint, color, use stamps, and print.
Guess the shapes of the rain clouds.
It’s a great rainy day activity for toddlers.
Share something.
It’s fun to huddle together in the cool, wet weather.
Share a story, share some favorite food, or just share an umbrella.
Share a rainy day activity with your preschooler.
Party on
Let your kids call a friend, call a sibling, call a neighbor and start a party
Groove to the music and gobble some snacks.
Play on
Indoor games are a lot of fun when you cannot go outdoors.
Think of it as a stay at home vacation and get out those snap cards.
Plant something
Its the season to go green.
Find your green thumb.
Create memories.
Early childhood memories of splashing in the rain with your parents trying to stop you from making a mess are wonderful.
Help your kids make some rainy day memories.
The rainy season comes but once a year.
It’s time to have some monsoon fun!
1 comment
Personally, I think that some of these are valid ideas, but saying that, I believe that the “Find Your Green Thumb” is invalid, as it is cold and cloudy, making it hard to plant things if you aren’t feeling excited to do whatever you’re doing, such as planting plants.