Colour yourself happy this Holi

  • Mar 21, 2016
  • Colour yourself happy this Holi

    A riot of colours, fun, and friends. It is a great time to renew old bonds and visit or wish those who have been in our lives or make new friends.

    You can do it with colours. Just knock on the door of your new neighbours and call your old ones over. It may be just what you need to break the ice and build new friendships.

    You can do it with food. Just take a platter of sweets and eats to the neighbours you pass in the elevator on and off on your way to work. No one can stay aloof over a plateful of Holi delicacies and it may be the start of a colourful relationship.

    There is no better way to bond with your little kids than starting your very own new tradition especially for the family. For instance, make your own colours that will be safe for little ones and all the family.

    holi colors

    You can mix any food colour in corn-flour and keep it to dry. Grind it to a powder once dried. This however, will need some planning in advance.

    Whatever you do, make it fun, make it colourful! We would be delighted to hear about your Holi ideas and traditions from you.

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